

At the Sanctuary of Papardura the 13th september 2016 at the 8:30pm, during the ” A FESTA DO SIGNURI”, the folk song company I ZITANI from Enna,the troupe I GUITTI from Enna and the group of folk dance I TARANTATI from Enna, waiting all city to spend a nice and relaxed evening with music, dance and laughs.

In the Sanctuary for the period of Lent by day 12th (more…)

L’antica festa del Santissimo Crocifisso di Papardura arriva sugli schemi della Rai. (more…)

Con il primo giorno di “Questua” dal quartiere Spirito Santo, previsto per lunedì prossimo prendono di di fatto il via i festeggiamenti del Santissimo Crocifisso di Paparadura che culmineranno il 14 settembre. (more…)

Since the  13th july, the patron of Enna, the Holy Mary of Visitation, (after two weeks, from her arrivals), is going to welcome the representatives of the working class and the representatives of crafts, in the church of Montesalvo. They will go on pilgrimage to venerate the Holy Virgin.  As a tradition, the last week of the Virgin Mary staying is dedicated to the ” Lumine”. They consist in ancient pilgrimages and prayers offeredto the patron of Enna.

On thursday the  16th july, the farmers represented by a deputation of ” Massari” belonging to the Sanctuary of the Holy Crucifix of Papardura, will go on procession. The procession is starting at 7:00 pm from Umberto I square. It will go through the streets of the historcal centre and then it wil go on pilgrimage to the Montesalvo church for devotion to the Patron of Enna.

The rites begin on Palm Sunday, evoking the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.